Monday, June 10, 2013

Around Here Lately.....Last Few Weeks

I haven't done so good at keeping up with the blog lately.  So this post is a catch up of many things.....Here's my Caleb...he's becoming my big helper more and more.  He's learning to write his letters a little bit.
Picnic at the park with Grams! 
Popcorn in the backyard... 
I think somebody really liked it 
So after the popcorn the older boys went down into the trees back behind our house.  There is an area that is a dry creek and it's low and I can't see them.  Tyson and I were on the backporch and we could hear them laughing and laughing.  We finally went down to check on them and this is what we found.... 
They sure were having a good time.....I just laughed and then hosed them off after they finished.  Boys! 
Brittany was in town so we got all the boys together to play.  They are all so cute together.  Connor and Tyson are going to be buddies too!
Rainy we painted in the garage 
Fun in the park with Dad
Pretty cute that we fill up all sides of the tire swing :) 
Pawpaw came to visit for a nigh on his way to his golf trip 
We went and stayed the night with the girls at my sisters house to see Kayden's kinder graduation. 
Last week I met Melody and her friends to go out for her 35th birthday.  We went to this place called the Dry Bar.  They wash, dry, and style your hair.  So that is why we are all turned around....showing off our fancy hairdos :) 


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