Friday, January 3, 2014

ICE Storm!!!

We had a VERY fun week a few weeks ago when an ice storm came through here.  It started sleeting on Thursday afternoon and didn't stop till the next morning.  It left a lot and it was so cold it didn't all melt for a long time!  Weston had almost a week off of school and we loved every minute of it!!!! 
bundled up trying to play in was VERY slick!!! 
sledding down the hill in the backyard....we finally used a blue storage tub....yes, white trash sledding I guess :) 
We had a fire going non-stop which was actually one of the biggest forms of entertainment.....and we had smores a LOT! 
My dad has 4WD and took me to the store on Sunday afternoon....we were getting low on stuff...amazing how much they'll eat when we're all trapped in the house!!!  Look at the shelves at Wal-Mart!!!  Crazy!! 
loading up their dump trucks with ice/ fun! 
we had a picnic in the tent inside :) 
fire fun :) 
we made sugar cookies one day....this was great entertainment too! 
and we made lots of train tracks..... 
dad's boots

fishing game.....he likes this one a lot 
he kept trying to listen to his own belly.....pretty cute 
I just needed a picture of this.....when else will your husband come to dinner in black tights (aka thermal underwear :) 
hot chocolate!  
we found him like this.....almost asleep warming his feet :)
Thomas is a favorite of Tyson's now 
cutest naked little bottoms :) 
It was fun just to stop and do nothing and be home for a few days.  I loved time with all my boys :)

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