Thursday, February 2, 2023


December was full but such great things.  Our family was asked to light the advent candle one Sunday morning.  They kids prayed, read scripture and lit the candle.  It was super sweet.

We hosted my dad's side of the family for lunch one weekend.  We had a house full but I guess I have this is the only picture I got!!  It went well and so great to be with everyone.  Cinnamon rolls are always baked a ton in this house in December and this year I did a lot!!!  They are such a fun gift for friends and teaachers!

Lucy wasn't feeling well but the boys and Logan got to be a part of Beautiful Feet ministry's Christmas night again this year.  This is one of our very favorite nights of the year.  We buys gifts and get to drive a trailer around neighborhoods in Fort Worth and share with people and pray with them.  Our kids love it and it's with the high school youth at church.  Now Weston is actually part of doing it!  So it went so well.

While they were there, Caleb had his first school dance.  He had a blast (of course) and danced the night away :).

We went over this year and saw the Christmas production at Prestonwood.  Wow oh wow.  It was like anything I'd ever seen before.  The girls were actually in it!  We even saw them :).  We had a great time and then spent the day shopping and hanging out.  

Orange night at PTM!

Pics with Santa at school!

Caleb tried out back in September for a part in the one act play at school.  They performed the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.  He had two roles....Father Christmas and Aslan.  He did amazing!!!  He learned his lines perfectly and worked his tail off.  They practiced a lot and all this was during football his days were VERY long.  They had their performance and did great at it!

And afterwards he was wiped out!!!

Charlie and Oreo....still play together every now and then!
Math award!!!
Caleb's basketball game!
Tyson had his UIL competition in Early and did amazing!!!  This kid!  He got 1st in number sense, 3rd in Chess and 2nd in Social Studies.  He had a phenomenal day and I'm so proud of him!

cuties headed to church!

Tyson's first game!
Geometry project....Weston's geodesic dome! 

3rd grade does a unit on financial literacy and they make something to sell to the school.  Lucy decided on peppermint cake pops (wonder who her aunt is?!?!).  So we made 25 of them to sell!  She did great and sold them all!

And her engineer minded brother came up with this clever drying rack.....romex and a cardboard box!

Medlin got to speak and share the gospel at FCS this month.  He did great and kids were able to write down prayer requests and hear truth.  It's an amazing opportunity!

Easton's birthday party!!
Carols, Candles and Children.....Tyson was the inn keeper and did a perfect job!!!

more cinnamon rolls....really...I'm not even sure how many batches I made.  a lot!

And I need my brain examined but we had a hen that was being "broody" and Jesse told me that it would accept baby chicks as her own.  So I went and bought 8 chicks and put them under her.  It was CRAZY but it totally worked!!!  It was freezing and all of them nestled in right underneath her and have done awesome!!  So Unicorn (the hen) has 8 babies now :)
Math star!!
Christmas parties at school!

We hosted our Sunday school class party.  Gosh it's a fun night with SO much laughing.  This year the theme was "geriatric".  Oh my.  It was so fun.
This is how he greeted people as they got to our house.  I was about to wet my pants.

Do you like my green jello salad!?!?

Mindy my twin!!!
At the end, we had a wheelchair race in our backyard.  Each team had to pick the person up and hoist them in the wheelchair.  Then they had to push them down the hill and back up.  A few were thrown out of the wheelchair.  It was SO fun.
Play date with Kate!  They always bake with their easy bake oven when they are together.

We did our secret Santa gifts as a family. We draw names and shop for each other.  It was fun and they are always so excited to give their gifts to each other.

Jenifer and her kids came for the afternoon and got to hang out.  I think they enjoying being in the "country" for the afternoon!

Roller skating for Laynie's party!  It was fun and no injuries!

Late night shopping and hang out with my pals.  We had a blast.  Heidi had already gone home to bed :)

The Arringtons were in Texas FINALLY and we got to see them!!!  It was so great and needed.  It was freezing outside but we met at the church and got to spend a few hours with them.

Lots of time at home with a fire.  I love having them home!!!
Animals and more animals....
Even Penny got to come inside (in a box) for a little while!

Oreo house this year instead of a gingerbread house....

Fun night out as a family!

Logan's been hunting with the older boys down the street at the property.  Caleb got his first doe!  He was excited and now my freezer is full :)
Cross Custom Homes Christmas party!  We have such a great team and I am SO grateful for each of these people around this table!

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