Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Chemo, Mavericks Game, Remodel, Billy Bob's, and Deacon Ordination

So while my family was on their way home from CO, I was with Melody.  I stayed the night with her and she took me to chemo for round #10.  My nurse, Emily, brought in a hepatic pump so I could see it.  This is what they'll put inside of me in a few weeks.  It will deliver chemo directly to my liver.

We made some yummy cake balls!  She loves them!
UTSW had a sign up about free tickets to the mavericks game.  So I signed up and we got some for a game.  I got brought down to the court and handed the "game ball" to the referee.  It was fun and free!!

And crazy enough I saw Jill there!!  So fun!

My sweet friend, Debbie, ran a race in my honor in CA.  She and her hubby helped love on me while I was in CA.  They are parents of one of Melody's friends.  They are the sweetest.

This cutie pie is one of my cheerleaders too :)
Another fancy dinner....this is her favorite thing right now :)
The remodel is done!!!  And we love it!!

We celebrated Emily's birthday with a super fun night at Billy Bobs.  We went to eat dinner and then headed to Billy Bob's for a Tracy Lawerence concert.  We got to dance too!  It was so fun!

Brittany came in town and we got to hang out.  So fun to see her and spend time with her.
Still baking sourdough and love it.
Lunch with my cuties at school.

Got to celebrate Heidi's birthday with my favorites.  
Logan got ordained as a deacon at our church.  It was an incredible night.  The deacons prayed over Logan and me and the kids got to pray over him too.  The deacon wives prayed over me too for my surgery that was very soon.  We are so thankful for our church family.

Got it chopped....Emily cut it and made it look better before surgery.  I can't wear my wig for surgery so I knew I needed to do something.

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