Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Surgery, Baskeball, PDF weekend, Volleyball, Disciple Now and Tennis

Surgery much support from my tribe.  Love them all.

I was a bit nervous but of course Logan was right there and making me laugh.  
We switched hats and had a good laugh...

Everything went well.  They implanted the hepatic pump and robotically removed the tumor off my left lobe of my liver.  I found out later they also removed my gallbladder.  Supposedly they have to do this when they implant the pump because the chemo is so toxic to the gallbladder.  Logan was a trooper and stayed right by my side.  We stayed several nights and then they let me go home!

I just had to laugh that this is the first food they gave me after surgery....GREEN JELLO!!?!?!  What in the world.

His amazing buddies came to the hospital and took him to dinner.  It was REALLY good for him to get away from me for awhile :)

I had the BEST nurse...Amy!  She took amazing care of me.

And a slew of people were praying and supporting me.  It all kinda blows me away!

My side kick wanted to be right by my side when I got home.  It was a little hard because the kids didn't get to come to the hospital.  But they were ready to see us when we got home!

The first few days were a bit rough but each day got better and better.  I was mainly just sore but it wasn't too bad!

The kids performed in a basketball half time show at the varsity game.  Tyson and Lucy both did it and showed off some ball handling.

Friday night fun at a volleyball clinic in Aledo.

Then out to eat for some waffles!

Who is it?!?!  Tyson or Lucy.....ha!

Look alike doll....ha!
We hosted Disciple Now for the weekend.  We had 9th grade boys this year.  Logan did most of it and everyone had an awesome time.  So thankful our church does this!

Super cold deer hunting....

PDF weekend stands for Pretty Dadgum Fun weekend for the preteen ministry at church.  Tyson got to be a part of it and loved it.  I helped a little with the food and got to attend on of the sessions.  I loved it.  It felt so good to be there and be a part of things.

Tyson got picked for some game challenge and he beat Pastor Jason.  He got to "flour" him in the face with the pillow.  It was awesome.

So this is a HUGE surprise coming to our house....specifically Lucy.  It's another lab puppy!!!!  It'll be her birthday present.
This is one of my sweet CA friends named Kathryn.  She lost her battle to cancer. hard.  She was such a delight and had the best smile and attitude.  I loved being around her.

Logan's ear ring...ha!

Tennis is back in session!!  Weston is doing great and playing doubles with Hudson.
They got 3rd in this tournament!

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