Monday, June 24, 2024

Easter, Soccer, Solar Eclipse, Chemo, Tennis, Daddy/Daughter Dance, Baseball and Concert

Easter weekend!  We did something different this year and did the Saturday night service.  It was a little weird to not go on Sunday morning but it was also really nice to have a slow morning.

We went out to lake house for lunch and egg hunting.  It was chilly but that didn't stop the kids from jet skiing and swimming!  They are crazy!

Rosie got to meet the Bradleys :)

More soccer for Tyson!  He's doing great.  Playing for Fortress this spring and loving it.  Miller and Noah both play on the team too.

Medlin made it to come see the boys!

Solar eclipse day!  Kids all got to see it at school.....I watched in the backyard with puppies :)

Round #13 with Cassy today......everything went well.
More tennis!

Daddy/Daughter dance!  They went out to eat with a group of dads and daughters and then headed to the dance.  They had a blast.  She LOVES this night.

So I took my boys out to dinner at Roadhouse.  We had fun.  Food is the way to their hearts :)
Caleb had a baseball tournament at Rocker B Ranch near us.  It was beautiful and fun to finally get to see him play!

We hustled home after his game to get ready for the Education Foundation concert.  Stoney LaRue and Wade Bowen played.  It was a super fun night with friends!

Lunch with the cuties....

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