Monday, June 24, 2024

Chemo, Braces, Field Trip, Sports and Kiersi!!

Back to life.....went for chemo #12 with Dina!!  She insisted on going with me and sure made the way better!!!
Later that day Caleb got his top braces on!!  He wasn't thrilled but it happened!
And this device is one of the best.....he can't talk while it's in!!

Field trip for 4th grade to the Perot museum!

I was feeling pretty terrible throughout the day but just thought it was from chemo.  After we finished lunch I went to get disconnected.

While I was at the clinic they found I had 101 fever.  They kinda flipped out.  They gave me an antibiotic and sent me home.  I was whipped.  I slept for about 2 days it felt like.  No was weird.  But thankfully after that I got back to normal!
More tennis for this kid!
And basketball for Tyson!

Champions for the volleyball community ed season!!!  They had lost one game during regular season and came back and beat that team at the very end to win the tournament!!!
It was such a fun day!!!  We were all screaming and so proud of them!

Mimi and Pawpaw came in town to see games.....they drove all over the place to see everyone play.  We celebrated her birthday while she was here!
This is funny.  The boys were on their way home from school and saw some blue chairs sat out at the curb by a neighbor with a sign that said free.  They came home and begged and went back and got them.  Oh golly....they are our newest addition.

Braycie came to swim and spend the day with Lucy.  She loved it!

lunch with long as he wants me I'll be there!

Weston went to Aubrie's spring show and took Lucy along too.  They had a great time cheering her on.  She did amazing!

Miller's birthday party!
Kiersi got accepted to A&M!!!!  We are so so proud of her.  


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