Monday, June 24, 2024

New Calf, Basketball Playoffs, Radiation Complete, and Rosie

Radiation complete!!  Even though it was just 5 days it's still worth celebrating!

I got to ring a dinky bell....ha!  Cassy came with me and made me do it :)

We went to the Varsity boys basketball playoff game.  Oh was SO fun!!  They did amazing and won the game!

We took a visit to Mr. Lonnie's place to see the new calf.  Caleb's cow had a baby girl....he named her Reba.

Kate came to meet Rosie :)

More tennis!!  This time he played doubles with James.

Fun times with Rosie....

He is learning to love her.....

Her first swim :) 

Dinner out :). Love this kid.  Started to feel pretty rough from radiation.....he can always cheer me up!

Lots of face time with Norah to see Rosie :)


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