Monday, June 24, 2024

River Trip to Arkansas

Somehow we fit it all in and got on the road.  We wanted to do a little trip of some kind since we didn't get to go on the mission trip with the college group like last year.  We decided on Arkansas (it's our favorite).  We found a house on the river and decided to bring the pups this time!
Rosie and Charlie did amazing in the car.  Rosie slept almost the entire way.

We got almost there and had a blow out on my car :(.  We don't have very good luck with tires!!!  We got it changed and back on the road thankfully!
The house and the view were incredible!!  We stayed in Glenwood on the Caddo river.  We loved it!
We grilled chicken and bacon for dinner with sweet potatoes.  It was so yummy!

We all slept in and then had yummy pancakes for breakfast.  Then headed out with the pups to do a hike called the Little Missouri. 

Lunch/snacks on the trail.  We may or may not have gotten wet on the river crossings :).  The middle 2 seemed to just go for a swim!

Dogs portrait!

Back at the house we just relaxed....Lucy did gymnastics.  I sat in the river for awhile.  Battling all the side effects from radiation.  It's been brutal.  

We cooked hotdogs on the fire and then finished up with smores.  Everyone loved them!

We played Russian Rummy and then crashed for the night.  Awesome day.  The next day we loaded up the Can Am and drove it to the trails at Bear Creek.  They were rated moderate but they were pretty intense.  We got in quite a ways with several times of figuring out how to pass through an area and decided it might be best to turn around.  We found an area on Lake Greeson to stop and just hang out.  It was so relaxing.  I rested and laid down.  Lucy did gymnastics, Weston listened to music on Can Am, Caleb sorta fished and swam and Tyson threw the football with Logan.  Everyone just chilled and relaxed.  It was awesome. 

lunch on the trail 

We came back and had dinner and drove the Can-Am to get ice cream.  It's a small town so it was just fun.  

That's the view from the pretty!

During the night there was a storm.  It was pretty intense.  At one point Charlie made his way to our room....ha!  We got so much rain.....the river came up SO much!!!  It was crazy.  The next morning we went to another area....trails along the Casatot River.  We hiked for awhile and saw rapids.  The water was so muddy because of the storm but it was still fun!  We hiked awhile and then had a picnic lunch.

We made burgers this night and just relaxed.  We watched a movie and played games.  So much time.  It was so good!

We left really early the next day to get back for Tyson's soccer games in Arlington.  We had ALL the stuff with us of course.  It was raining when we got there and after waiting awhile they finally called the games off.  Oh well.  All in all it was an amazing trip!!!  Not much planned and just relaxing time all together.  SO thankful for my crew!

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