Monday, June 24, 2024

Weston's 16th Birthday

Weston's birthday hit during spring break as usual but we made it happen!!  We drove and did the driving test in Aledo and then headed to DPS in Tolar to get his license.  Thankfully he passed and got it done!!
Burger for his birthday lunch!
When we drove up from getting his license he got a HUGE surprise.  He had NO idea which is really hard to do with this kid!!!  Grams and Pops helped get it there and they had the door closed.  He was driving me in my car.  He opened the car and started screaming basically.  He kept saying "Let's go!" over and over.  It was so fun to surprise him!  

We were leaving town the next day so it was kinda a crazy day.  I made him a brownie cake and he loved it.  
The weekend before we went to eat at Mash'd as a family and Aubrie came along too.  That's his favorite place because it has huge burgers!

We're so proud of this kid.  I can't believe he's driving but I have to say I've been looking forward to it.  He has had a year and has had to overcome a lot.  He has most definitely grown and changed a ton over this past year....not just physically but emotionally too.  We love him!  Happy 16th!  

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