Friday, February 2, 2024

Vitamin C, Lunch, Lake and My Birthday

So my friend Marissa that I met in CA works at a wellness clinic in Aledo and they offer high dose vitamin C!!!  It's totally the Lord working out all those details.  So I got in there quickly and got going!

Had lunch with my 2 cutie just makes my day to see them and be with them!  Dina and Jesse joined us too!

Notice his cast......:)
For my 43rd birthday we celebrated at the lake for Labor Day.  The Bradleys came over and we played at the lake for awhile.  It was super fun even though I knew I couldn't/shouldn't ski or do anything.  Honestly I didn't have the energy to probably make it anyways.  But it was so fun to be with my crew and be on the boat (just about my favorite place!).

On Monday for Labor Day we made a brisket and just played in the pool at our house.  It was relaxing and so fun.

We played a fun game of volleyball in the pool and laughed a lot.  It was so fun!

Then we went out to the property and fed the cows.  It was a beautiful night!  So fun!


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