Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Battle of Books, Field Day, Chemo, Field Trip, Lake Day, Baseball and Kiersi's Grad Party

Battle of the Books day!!!  The younger 2 had to try out for the team and then go to many practices to prepare for the competition. Each team has a theme and dresses up.  Lucy's team was called the Oompa Loompa's.  Tyson's was the Gru Cru.  I was one of the team moms.  It was such a fun day!  Lucy's team got 3rd place so they got a trophy!

They do an entrance to music as they are coming in as a team to their table.  Lucy's team had some turns and stuff on their way in and she fell in her "high" heels.  She started cracking up at herself and it was so funny.  Thankfully I got it on video and we laughed forever about it.

Rosie has stolen my chair by the pool :(

Golf tournament for these 3....they had a blast.
Soccer tournament.....Logan thought he'd try out someone's one wheel....kinda funny to watch!
Soccer buddies!
Emily has a client that had a birthday party for her daughter and invited Lucy and Piper.  It was OVER the top!!!  They had ALL kinds of a carnival!  The girls had a blast!!

Meanwhile we killed some time at Main Event because it was so hot and we needed some A/C.  The boys got to play at the arcade.

After all the soccer we went to Mash'd for dinner....kinda for Mother's Day.  Pawpaw was in town and treated us and the McCormicks to dinner.  Fun night but long day!
Twinkies :)
Emily did Lucy's hair for field day!!  I had chemo that morning so sadly I missed Lucy's field day but made it in time for the afternoon for Tyson's.  I got lots of pictures from friends and Grams came and saw her too.

Chemo round 16 with Emily

End of the year tennis party for Weston.....him and Tag were swinging :). Ha!
Lucy's hair after field day :)

Caleb's baseball team pictures!

Another field trip....this time to Urban Air for the morning...  I had an appointment this morning with my liver surgeon.  He went over the results of my MRI.  Thankfully all is clear on the colon but the liver still has some work.  Some of the tumors have grown slightly and others have shrunk a little.  There is one that is in the wrong spot so we really need it to shrink.  I can't do surgery until it's away from the blood supply to my liver.  So more chemo through the summer :(

Took these to cuties to Bahama bucks afterwards and then home to go fish at the pond.  They are the cutest together.  

Fun time just hanging by the pool.  SO thankful to have this and so much time with my kids.  I love it.

Lake day!  These 2 were trying to be on the paddle board together.  It was entertaining. 

Another day of baseball.  It was in a small town so in between games we went to the "general store" and found a spot for a picnic.  We played wahoo and hung out.  There was an old man that had set up a little sale of things....we gave Caleb $5 and he went and found treasures.  It was hilarious.

They found some kind of knife that looked like a gun....

Then we headed to Prosper for Kiersi's graduation party.  So fun and so happy for her!  It was a FULL day but super fun.

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