Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Christmas with my Side and Christmas as a Family

Christmas at Grams and Pops!  We played some games, had dinner and then opened gifts. 

Tyson wasn't feeling the greatest :(
We played punchbowl too....we had some good laughs!

The next day the girls went and shopped while the boys went to Freedom power sports :).  Then we met at the movie theater and saw Wonka.

Christmas Eve was one of the best nights as a family.  We made a yummy soup and Lucy helped me make homemade sourdough rolls.  We went to church and then came home to eat and spend time together.

Our "fancy" dinner.  Lucy set the table and made it so pretty!  We only had candles for our light.  It was super special.
Then we read the Christmas story and opened presents.

Puppy was happy.....he got a bone and was trying to hide it :)

Santa came the next morning.....the boys got a letter that said they'd get a pool table delivered in a few weeks.  Lucy got a camera and printer.  Dad and Weston hung up her fun lights in her room!

Caleb played his kahone and we practiced 2-step :)

Christmas Day we went to see Ruby and friends.....fed them some Christmas pellets :)

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