Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Father/Son River Trip

There are always memories made but this year was a bit different.  We have gotten a lot of rain so the river was flowing pretty good.  They found out after they were on the river that they were going to open one of the gates at lake PK above them.  The river rose about 10 feet during the night....they were expecting 5....kinda crazy.  So thankfully they had made camp and put their tents high enough but the water got REALLY close.  Scary.  Thankful they had fun and everyone was safe.  Needless to say they hardly had to paddle!!  They always have the best time.  Thankful that Logan puts this together every year.  Our boys LOVE it.

So thankful for so many Godly men and dad in our lives....not just for Logan but my boys too!

That's how high the water got.....their fire pit was under water and it was like a foot from one of the tents!

Tired boys...


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