Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Friends, Chemo, Games, Blue Night, One Year, Art Show and Baseball

These pictures are just pretty darn cute.....Tyson and Miller packed up to fish and shoot guns at the property.  

Best buddies...

Six flags with Gil

Eva's birthday party!

Rosie found a snake....
Round 14 with Melody.  Met with oncologist today....all looking good for now.
More tennis!

All of the kids loaded up with the puppies to go see the cows.  Kinda weird to see them all drive off together!  
Bad puppy.....she got into the pellets and made a BIG mess.
Lunch with Cassy!  First day without the wig in was time.  Summer will be so hot and my hair wasn't growing with wig on all the time.  So I decided to be brave and just do it.  
Fun night of wahoo at the Mccormicks house!!!  We had a tournament all together.  It was a blast.

Some hard basketball nights....the girls played up in a spring league in Mineral Wells.  It was some fierce competition.

But ice cream afterwards makes it all worth it!
Blue Night at PreTeen!

Her new favorite game....we've played nonstop!

She's growing a LOT!

She's got her backhand spring on the trampoline for awhile now.  She's improving so much!!  She goes every Monday night for gymnastics!
Tyson finishing his tiger drawing for the art show!
Glow day at school
Lucy played in a sand volleyball clinic they held at the Peaster courts.
Round 15 with Jordan....all went well.  
This was a big day....May was the one year anniversary of getting diagnosed.  I also was asked to teach at Rooted...the women's bible study at church.  It was no coincidence that I taught on Acts 27 which is the account of Paul in a storm.  I prepared for awhile and shared all about this last year.  It was hard and really good.  Many of my sweet friends were there to cheer me on....and my mom and sister.

The Art Show!  Hollyn sang in the choir and Tyson's art was on display.
He had the tiger drawing and his little clay bowl he made and painted.

Tatum came over for a sleep over!  They giggled SO much and had the best time.


Rosie got to go to the vet :). She did great and the techs LOVED her.

More baseball!  I got to take him this day and we had the best time.  We had a long break in between games so we shopped and got to hang out together.  He is SO fun one-on-one.  I love my time with this kid!  Kinda funny but we showed up to the game and he had the wrong jersey on.....BUT he had given me another one to wear and thankfully I wore it.  So we had to trade shirts in the car :).....ha!

They won the tournament that weekend and got to bring home a ring.  He was pumped.

My helper....

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