Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Surgery #2, Lattes in the Library, Soccer and Basketball, and Radiation

The younger 2 had a special valentine gathering at the library called Lattes in the Library.  Surgery was the next day but of course I didn't want to miss it!  So I got to go AND see some of my favorite people!!!  It was a fun time.

So what I was thinking was true....the pump they put in me was defective and didn't work.  So once they realized it I had to go back for surgery.  It was quick and went smoothly but just hard that I had to go back under for surgery.  Logan was with me and then Melody stayed the night.  To my TOTAL surprise Casie and Emily came and surprised me!!!  It was the best getting to see them.  
The next few days I took it pretty easy but it wasn't a bad recovery at all.  I sadly already had done it so I knew what to expect.  We got to see the cows one night.
And that weekend was disciple now.  Sadly this is the ONLY picture I have from it!!!  We hosted 9th grade boys at our house.....15 of them I think but I don't have any pictures!!  Logan did a lot of it and I held down the fort with the other kids activities.  This is Weston's group...they stayed at the Gray's house.
Tyson had soccer games!

And Lucy wrapped up basketball season with a tournament.  They played in the older girl division so they didn't place but it was still fun!

And Tyson wrapped up his basketball season too.  We've been with this team for many years so it was sad for it to end.  He's come so far and we are so thankful for Nathan and Cody.

And this kid continues to excel at tennis!  He had a great match again!

Came home with more bling!
Cupcakes for her class for her birthday!!
So my CA doctors said the more oxygen I can get in my body during radiation the better.  So I found a clinic that does a type of EBOO that helps put oxygen in my blood.  I tried to do several treatments. 

Sweet Amanda went with me to radiation one day and do the treatment at the clinic.  We got to have lunch together which was so fun!  Radiation was super easy.  It only took about 5 minutes once I got set on the table where they wanted me.  I did short course radiation so even though I had to go all to Dallas I only had to do it for 5 days.

Weston helping Michael and Wade move some rocks with the tractor.  He loved every minute of it!


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