Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Property, Dance, Chemo,School Program and Christmas Parties

Sweet friends cheering me on....wearing their Mandy Tribe shirts.

We might've tried to scare Pawpaw with creepy Carla....thats the mannequin that I use for Rose (wig).
He got him a deer!  And now that's meat for the deep freeze :)

College football playoffs.....this boy is serious about his playoff bracket :). His buddies all guess who's going to win :)
Time to decorate!!!  Sure glad I have a helper :)
Jacey's birthday party......Aggie watch party!

Weston's sad Christmas tree....he's like scrooge sometimes :(
Chemo #8 with my mama!  
so many pills....
chemo bag....Melody helped me make it look a least a bit cuter :)
My little baller.....
Ruby :)

If only you could see the video that followed this....Caleb trying/attempting to climb the tree.  
Fun on the can-am......puppy loved it too!

Remodel is coming along!!  We've got stairs!

Washing Rose...kinda weird but that's how it's done!
Lunch with these 2...
Tyson's art show

UIL fun!

Aubrie and Gracie came to see Lucy play!  We went to Target to shop together and then got some Starbucks!

Later we watched the Peaster Christmas parade....it was FREEZING but we made it!

Chemo #9 with Emily!!  I always fast the day before chemo and then eat something sugary right before I start.  That helps the cancer cells want the chemo....because they like sugar!  Today I had a cup of hot chocolate and oh my it tasted SO good!!!  For some one that is hardly eating sugar it was divine!
She got all curled and dressed up for her 4th grade music performance at school.  She danced with Coy in the 2-step part of the performance.  She did so great!

Hard day....it was time.  My hair had thinned so much so I decided to just cut it myself.  I cried but it's done.
Sone anonymous people dropped off a huge basket of goodies.  It was treat bags that you open for the 12 days of Christmas.  So many fun things in them.  So sweet and thoughtful whoever did this for me!
Tyson has been on the puppet team with Preteen for the fall and they did a performance at the nursing home.  He did great and it was awesome to see the kids singing and loving on the elderly.

Sweet Oreo :)

I've been busy....had a good week and felt good so I've been baking cinnamon rolls for teachers and friends.  I love it and it brings me lots of joy to give them all away.

And just like that it was time for Christmas parties at school!  The 3 weeks in between Thanksgiving and Christmas fly by every year!

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