Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Girls Day, Logan's Birthday, Beach Camp, Swimming, Friends, Date Night, Basketball Tournament, Chemo, Mountain Camp, and Father's Day

While the boys were at the river we got to have a girls day!!!  I was not feeling the greatest but I made it through and we had a great time together.  First stop was the zoo!  This girl loves animals....

Then we ate a yummy lunch at Maria's Mexican Kitchen.  She thought everything was just so fancy.  Love her.

Then we got pedicures together :)

We went by Target and then home to watch a movie and do's kinda like plastic....but she's been making keychains for everyone and loves it!

The boys got back on Logan's birthday so we had decorated the house and made the cake!  She also put together a little quiz for him to find his first clue in his scavenger hunt to find his birthday presents.

Lucy and Tyson are so flexible and they are always trying to get Caleb to be more flexible....and he just is NOT!!!
Caleb left Sunday night for Beach Camp in Panama City.  He had the BEST week.  He gave his life to Christ....he had been having doubts about his salvation experience when he was 7.  So he solidified it and made it his own.  He was on cloud nine talking about it all when we picked him up at the end of the week.  I'm so thankful for such an amazing experience for him!!

This is my favorite....

Piper and Lucy giving the dogs another spa day :)

Mom and I met Mel halfway in Keller to celebrate her birthday.  We had brunch and then shopped the boutiques in town.  It was so fun.  Love her and so thankful for her in my life.  I don't know what you do without a sister!!!
After I got home, Emily and I and the girls headed over to Rachel's house and decorated it to surprise her for her birthday.  They helped at Beach camp so she came home to goodies and decorations.  It was so fun.

Weston working on his truck :). I think it's one of his favorite things to do.

Date night!  We tried a new steakhouse in Granbury and it was so yummy!!

Basketball tournament for Tyson in Abilene.  There was a large group of sisters so plenty of girl time for them!

Tyson played so hard and did so well.  I'm so proud of him!!!  He's improved so much.

Tim and Darlene came to see him play on Saturday.  It was so good to see them and be with them.  We had a great visit!

I went back with him on Sunday and they got 2nd place!!  He scored a bunch and did so well!

Back to chemo.....#18 today with my favorite sister!  I met with the oncologist today and they are upping the chemo in my liver pump and also starting me on a new drug next treatment.  They are trying to be more aggressive at attacking the liver tumors.  I'm just praying something starts working!
Caleb got his bottom braces on :)
Fun with the Duncans while I was at chemo...

I beat her bad so I just had to take a picture.....

We went to see the new calfs that night.  We have 2 more new ones.  Weston's cow had a calf and its name is T-bone.  And Tyson's cow had a calf too and his name is Tom.

Fun day for Gio's birthday!  They spent the day at alley cats.
Splash kingdom night for our church.  We had so much fun hanging out with everyone!

Lots of swimming!!!

Weston had camp the next week....they went to Glorietta in New Mexico.  He had an awesome week too!  They had dress up nights every night so I made him take costumes and go all out.  He ran into Brian (Mel's brother-in-law)....small world!

Caleb had baseball so we took the younger 2 to ride go-karts one night while he was at practice.  It was fun!

Another baseball tournament.....Mel and Greg came to the first game :)

Then we headed to the lake for the afternoon.  Sadly there was work to do so we didn't play very long :)
My trailer helper :)
Big Burger for dinner and we saw the Gray boys!
Happy Father's Day!!!

Brittany and Jenifer were in town and we got to ALL hang out!!!  It was the best.  Our kids are changing so fast!!!

This girl likes to clean and organize!!!  She must have gotten that from her Grams :)
The bakehouse had a big tree fall on the's a mess but thankfully didn't hurt the house or anyone!!  We just have to get the deck rebuilt!

Peach Overload!!!!

This one and ALL his tools!


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