Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Thanksgiving in Kansas and then to Melody's

We had a great visit in Kansas.  We went to Top Golf and just about wet our pants laughing at each other hit the golf ball.....specifically Jason.  We had so much fun.

They are going through Mamu & Papa's house so we went through some stuff and found Logan a few things.  I got to play on Papa's piano :)

All the family came over for Thanksgiving.  It was great to be with everyone and of course there was lots of yummy food!

This relationship is totally different now.....with both of us fighting cancer there is a camaraderie that I can't even explain.  I love her dearly!

And Mamu too!  She's a fighter!
We headed home and stopped in Propser and had a second Thanksgiving!  It was super fun to be with my side too.

Lucy tried my wig on :)

Our selfie!
I don't take anything for granted anymore....so thankful for each day with my family.  We had a great time being with everyone!  So thankful for all these people in my life!

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