New game and we've had tons of fun with it.....Code Names. All the weird pictures....compliments of Caleb.
Lucy got to go with the boys and she learned to shoot a gun and actually loved it.
Tyson got to go to a TCU basketball game with his buddies. He was decked on in his Aggie wear.....
We celebrated Emily's birthday at a Korean bbq place. Definitely an experience and we learned a lot! You cook your own food and it's a lot of new things I've never had. Fun night!
All ready for church....she just looked so cute!
She came with me to chemo to get my pump refilled. It took awhile but she was so patient and kept me company!
Puppy....we love her. she loves to be close.
SNOW day!!! So fun!
They got to sport their coveralls.
We all went down to the property and played. Tyson drove his new RC car.
Snowball fight....
Snowman in the backyard! It was the perfect snow for building....we got all into it. He was HUGE!!!
Then we had some fun behind the Can Am....knee boards, skiing, etc. REDNECK!
Frosty lasted several days.....
cutting some trees down! my lumber jack!
He collapsed on a was much too warm...
Caleb got his first buck down the street. So fun! He was so excited!!
Fun weeks with my crew. I love snow days and just a chance for us to stop all the things and be home together.