Friday, March 21, 2025

Spring Break - Skiing at Wolf Creek

We took the kids snow skiing for Spring Break!  We decided to try Wolf Creek this time since they get so much snow and our spring break was later than normal.  It was an awesome trip!
The house we stayed at backed up to the river in South Fork so of course someone took up a dare to get in the icy cold river for a few $$.  He'll do anything for a buck!

We brought all our own food so we made dinners every night at the cabin.  Life's been so crazy lately so it was so nice to all be together!!
The first day was a bit insane.  A storm hit that morning and the craziest thing was the wind!!  It made visibility almost zero.  It was a little scary because we didn't know the mountain very well and you definitely couldn't see any signs on the trails.  We went to the car at lunch and they ended up closing down the mountain soon after because it was so bad.

We were so cold!!!  My hair was frozen and we were covered in snow.

So we had awhile that night to hang out and just be together.  It was great.

The second and third days were amazing!  Sun was shining and the powder was awesome!!!  We had so much fun!
The Grays were there at the exact same time so we got to see them on the mountain.  Sadly we were staying in different towns but still fun to see each other!  The boys met up and skied together some.

Lucy and I stayed together almost the entire time. We quit a little early the 2nd day and got some hot chocolate and snack :)

Melody and Kayden came through our third night and stayed with us!  Greg had already flown back but they got to stay the night with us, eat dinner and play games!  We loved it!!

Our last day.....
Weston has been wanting to snow board for a long time and finally decided to give it a try.  He did awesome and picked it right up!
Lucy and I made snow angels in the deep powder.  I barely could get up it was so deep!

wheels off for Caleb....everyone got pretty tired at the end!

Such a fun trip and time together!  We loved it and so thankful to get to do it together.