Sunday, March 16, 2025

Drain OUT, Speaking, Volleyball Tournament and Zipline

Tate and Caleb were twins at church!
Last procedure!!!  I finally got the drain OUT!!!  It was the best day!!!  SO thankful!
Mel and the girls came and sat with me and then pretended to be my ride home :)
That Friday I spoke at our bible study.  I shared on Galatians 6 so a bunch of my sweet friends came and supported me!

The girls had their end of the year volleyball tournament and WON it!!!!  They played SO awesome!!!  They are all 5th graders and played up in a competitive 6th grade division and won it!  It was intense and a fun day!

Braums afterwards!
Logan's been dreaming about doing a zipline for years and finally decided to do it!  He ordered all the parts and got it all put together.  The kids all tried it out and we did too!  It's so fun and fast!!

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