Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Caleb Turns 10 on Easter Sunday!

Definitely a different birthday for this kid this year.  It landed on Easter Sunday and he wanted more than anything to go to Kansas and hang out with Eli and his cousins.  But with all that was going on we couldn't do that.  So we tried to make the best of it and just had it at our house.  He got to start the day off with homemade cinnamon rolls :)

We dyed Penny's we's a little harder to dye brown eggs!!

Bradleys and Grams and Pops came over and we had lunch.  Aunt Mel made Caleb a "corona" cake.  It was pretty cute.  

She brought him a very unique was awesome!

This face....
So Caleb got to eat poop for his birthday 😂
Legos and a bike.....he was happy!

And cards from his cousins....

Easter pics!

Easter egg hunt!

Some eggs were a little harder to find....

This one found the prize egg and was quite happy about it!!
Afterwards Caleb had to do a birthday swim!

Tyson and Caleb have been really into golfing around the Tyson got his Pops out there to play with him.

And some fishing at the lake!

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