Monday, February 15, 2021

Stitches, Worship, and Cows

We got to get food served from Lucy's restaurant.  She loves pretending in her little playhouse.  It's so different than the boys.
But this one kinda enjoys it too....ha!
Someone gets to ride with me sometimes to go get the kids.....he loves it.
Amari Cooper jersey showed up in the mail.  He was SO excited to put it on.
We came in after school and I had gotten Tyson a container of tic tacs.  He thought it would be a good idea to use a new kitchen knife to get the plastic wrap off.....eeek.  Not so much.  It slipped off the container and sliced right into his hand.  We went straight to Urgent care and got 4 stitches....actually the first time anyone has had stitches in our house!
He was a was painful.

Park with friends!

Went to the freezing cold football it was cold!!!  I think Lucy was a bit delirious....her and Kate were laughing so hard....

Kate's birthday party!!

Caleb got to be part of the worship team for church.  It was awesome.  He was front and center and got to help lead worship.  He did amazing.

These 2 cuties were part of it too!

Dinner and hayride at the much fun.  Those are some friendly cows!!  We got to feed them bread and they definitely wanted more and more.

My morning greeters :)

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