Saturday, June 19, 2021

Parties and Christmas Concerts!

Lucy Lou was Cindy Lou for Grinch day.  She was the cutest!
Our Christmas card this year....

My basketball player :)
Laynie's birthday party in her garage!
These will NEVER get old.  She makes me card and pictures all the time and I love them all!!!

Campout in the backyard.  Weston and Rye slept in a tent but we all got to play mafia and enjoy the fire :)

Grams and Pops finally pulled the trigger and bought them an RV.  They are so excited and so are some other little people that I know.  They wouldn't even care if it was just parked in their driveway!!  They are all so excited about it.
Even in the craziness my little tumbler is still taking lessons.  She's doing so great!
Our family had the opportunity to go serve with Beautiful Feet ministries in Fort Worth.  It was an awesome night of passing out Christmas gifts to low income areas.  My kids were front and center and loved every minute of it.  THIS is what it's about.  I wish we could do these types of things way more!!!

Christmas singing at church!
Caleb was one of the wisemen....

Tyson had to recite John 3:16 and did amazing!

Weston's been doing great at basketball!  He is really enjoying being on the team.  I'm SO glad he went for it and tried it!

School Christmas performance too!  Tyson was Rudolph :)

And lastly was their class Christmas parties.....lots of sweets and lots of fun!


Girl's night Christmas ornament exchange!
My Wednesday night 5th grade girls....we had a party too!
Letters to Santa....


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