Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Tyson and Lucy's Birthdays, Sports, Cows and Disciple Now

We tried something new this year for Tyson's birthday party.  He wanted gellyball?!?!  It's basically little jelly filled bullets that you spray each other with.  We did a glow in the dark type so they had a blast shooting each other all over the yard.  He had a slew of boys show up and had a blast!!!  It was the easiest birthday party I've ever hosted :). Ha!  We had a fire going in the solo stove and just sat in a chair.  He of course requested cinnamon rolls for his cake and all of them were devoured!  I love this kid so much.  He is such a good friend and it shows when he can't seem to cut a list down of who to invite.  He loves all his buddies so much!  11 years old!!!  Time is flying.

These boys love my cinnamon rolls which is fun :). They are always excited to get them on Tyson's birthday!!

Next up was Lucy's party!!  She is obsessed with that was the theme!  The one she's holding in the picture is Freya the snail.  So Aunt Mel worked her magic and made the CUTEST cake of Freya.  Lucy LOVED it!

When they got to the party they got to "adopt" a squishmallow.  They filled out a birth certificate and then got to go makes stuff for it.  They made necklaces and blankets and got a bag to put it all in.  We ate yummy snacks and then did some relays in the backyard with Weston.  The cake was a hit!  It was a very fun party!!  I can't believe she is 9!!!  She'll be double digits next year.  She is growing and changing a lot but I have to say I still love that she wanted to have a stuffed animal party.  She has the sweetest friends and we had a great time celebrating her.

This is kinda ridiculous.....she got SO many squishmallows...we have a small army of them now!
Caleb giving it his best shot at long distance running!  I'm so proud of him.  He may be last place but his effort gets FIRST place in my book!!

end of the year basketball pics!

Basketball for Lucy.....she had a game on her birthday so that was fun!

These 2 are birthday buddies....born a few hours apart.

And then on to soccer for Tyson....he's doing great at indoors.  It's so fun to watch.  The competition is fierce but we're kinda getting used to that.

And throw in some basketball too!  He's loving that as well.  Pastor Jason got to come see them play!

And tennis for Weston!  We've got all the sports covered lately...busy busy but so fun!

Aunt Mel got to come to his tournament.  It was a fun day and he did great.
And then I got to go see the girls play together!  They actually were doubles partners.  They did great and won both sets that I got to watch.

The daddy daughter dance was a hit this year.  Lucy got a fancy little dress and she wanted her hair curled and fixed.  Logan got spiffed up too.  Kate's dad was out of town so Logan had 2 dates!  They had a blast!

Oh the cows.....I mean there is always a story.  We got notified they were out again.  I started looking for them and found them once again in the next neighborhood!!!  I had to walk over a mile to get to them and thankfully they followed me ALL the way back home.  It was drizzling and overcast....and most times you just have to laugh about it all.  

And THIS is happening....I've been praying and thinking about it for a long time and finally felt the Lord really leading me to do it.  So I turned in my application to run for school board in May.  I designed a sign and getting them printed soon.  It's all a bit scary and makes me have to breathe in a brown paper bag but deep down I have a real peace about it.  I just don't like the "put yourself out there" things you have to do to run.  But I'll manage :).

We hosted Disciple Now and it was such a great time as always.  We had 10th grade boys this year.  They are an awesome group.  One of them had his birthday so we got to celebrate him!
Weston finally got to be a part of it this year.  He was at the Gray's house for the weekend.
Donuts on his birthday!  We were actually on our trip for his actual day so Mimi and Pawpaw came to the rescue :)

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