Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Lucy's birthday, Another Procedure, Tennis and Baseball

We got home from our trip the night of Lucy's birthday.  So sweet Emily went and picked up lunch for her and spoiled her!!!  So sweet!
Lucy and Josie are birthday buddies!

That night we got to celebrate her again with Mimi and Pawpaw since they were still in town!

The next morning I went for yet another procedure.....#10....all was good and they traded for a tiny next up they said 2 weeks and they'll remove it!  That will be a GOOD day!!
I had to laugh....Logan had to work since we just got back in town and so Melody met me at hospital.  She picked me up from the front of the hospital when I was discharged and then we drove over to her car.  I felt fine and drove myself home.  But it was funny to be driving with my "fall risk" band on.
I went straight to the tennis courts to see this one play!  He had his first JH matches and did great!

The next day Caleb had a baseball tournament so I went and cheered him on.

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