Friday, December 10, 2010

Locked Out

This morning Weston and I were in the backyard playing in the sandbox while Caleb was inside taking a nap. We had been out there awhile and he asked for a snack. I said ok, let's go inside and get it. We get up to the backdoor and it's locked! He had obviously been playing with the backdoor and locked the bottom lock. I started to panic because we don't have a key hidden and all the other doors were locked. I remembered the garage door was up a little for our cat to get in and out of the garage. So we went over to the garage door and I asked Weston to crawl underneath it. He did and he fit!!! I told him to go inside and come out on the backporch. He had to crawl over the tongue of the boat, over the lawn mower, and over boxes that Logan had stacked up. It took him a minute but he did it! I heard him go inside and I ran over to the backporch and he came out and said, "Hi Mama!" He was really proud of himself.....I was proud too...and really glad that big head of his and belly fit under the garage door! Once again I'm reminded how there is never a dull moment in our house these days!!

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