We had a fun (if you call it that) weekend working in the yard. We planted lots of plants and flowers. We also finally finished the area around the sandbox in the backyard. It was quite a project but we love it and are excited about how it turned out. It was challenging trying to be working in the yard with the boys right there....but they got good and dirty and loved every minute of it. Here's a before picture......

And an after picture.....

I also got my handyman to hang up some brackets for my hanging baskets. Let's hope they last and I don't kill them like I do most flowers/plants in the past. I'm hoping that since there are so many of them that I'll remember to water them. In the past I've only had one or two....so we'll see :)

And here's the best helper of all.....gosh he makes us laugh. He proceeded to take his truck to the other part of the gravel pit and dump it.....all by himself.