Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Last Week - Lots of Time at Home

Last week was a LOT of staying home. The nasty bug finally hit us and Caleb had what they treated as "RSV". He was a pretty sick and miserable little boy for the first part of the week. But by Wednesday he was lots better and getting back to himself. We were so thankful the weather was so nice because we played outside most of the day. This made for a happier mama and not a crazy mama for staying home that many days in a row.

We got a big load of rocks delivered the other day to put between us and our neighbor's house to help with drainage. This has been big fun for my 2 boys. Caleb has successfully "tasted" each rock and made sure they were ok. Weston loved filling up his dump truck and hauling the rocks around. He also would put them in the wheelbarrow and wheel it around....yes...the big wheelbarrow....he can lift it all by himself!

We also discovered roly-polies. I never knew what fun a bug could be!! We would find them, roll them, throw them, and then of course smash them. Weston loved it all.
We flew the kite one day but crazy mama accidentally got it stuck in the tree :( Can you see it??
Weston was off roading in his tricycle.
Caleb is all better now and we are SO thankful! He is still roly as ever......look at those legs :)
The other night at the dinner table he started clapping for the first time. He was SO proud of himself. He just started giggling and doing it over and over. Dad and Weston were cheering him on.
Caleb is so busy these days and in to everything!
I LOVE this little boy and his contagious smile and laugh.
We had a small accident one morning. Weston was riding around the house and his firetruck wheels went flying off. He came around the corner carrying the wheels and firetruck. This is one of his favorite toys so it was quite a tragedy. Dad came to the rescue and got it all fixed last night.
This is my BIG helper.....does this look dangerous to you? Watch out Caleb!!!

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