Friday, October 4, 2013

BIG News and Gender Reveal Party!!!

Well maybe my big news should've come weeks ago but I just never got around to blogging about it.  But yes, we are pregnant with #4 and due February 23rd.  The trend lately is these gender reveal parties so we decided to do one too.  We had our big sonogram last Thursday.  We didn't find out the gender while we were there.  Melody wanted to make the cake of course so she was the only one who knew.  She called up to the doctor's office and found out and then we had the party Sunday night.  So, YES it was a long wait from Thursday to Sunday night!!!  We had it out at my parents's the invite.... 
I didn't do much to decorate...just a banner and some bows and mustaches.  It was so fun for our family and friends to be there with us when we found out!!!

AND to make the day even better 3 of my precious Boerne friends surprised me and came in town for it.  It was AMAZING of them to be there and do that for me.  I am NOT worth all the trouble they went to for that but it sure did make it extra special.  I love these girls to pieces!!!   
So Chantel took all these amazing pictures and caught the whole night on camera so we can enjoy the memories for a long time!!  So sweet of her.  Here's her youngest little girl, Reagan.  She's adorable and I loved getting to be with her!
We did burgers and cake...nothing fancy because the food did NOT matter....what mattered was what was inside that CAKE!!!! 
Melody did an awesome job on the cake as usual. 
 Me and mom....obviously she wanted it to be a girl....look at all her pink!
Finally it was time to eat!!!
Weston and Pops dad thought boy!
Not sure what the "both" category meant....I am not carrying twins but maybe they just couldn't decide!
Me and Melody
And the 5 of us....well I guess the 6 of us :)
Team BOY
And now FINALLY it was time for the cake!!!!  I was so nervous holding that hand was shaking all over the place.
And TOTAL shock.....we both saw PINK!!!!
I immediately threw down the knife and grabbed Logan...pretty funny my reaction. And the funniest thing was that no one else could see the inside of the cake except the 2 of us!! I was just so shocked and surprised.  I in no way expected to see pink.  Tears came immediately and I just thought of how I will have a buddy now!! 
Here's the video....
So my mother-in-law ran up there and cut a piece off so everyone could see. 
Now please remember my mother-in-law has SIX grandsons.....yes, she of course was really really wanting a granddaughter.  Can you tell?!?!
I love these pictures of her reaction.....
The sonographer actually gave me a picture of the sonogram showing girl.  She put it in a sealed envelope and gave it to me so I could look at it after the reveal.  So we were checking out the picture.
and here it is....not very clear to me but I trust she does this everyday and is an expert!

this cutie pie is getting a baby SISTER!
Several couldn't make it to the party so they were listening via FaceTime or on the phone.

My mother-in-law had brought 2 blue and one pink....
And there's Pops with ALL the kids :)
What a VERY fun night.  I'm so glad we had the party and I'm so excited to have a little girl enter our family.  It's so exciting to think and dream about.  She will be well protected with 3 older brothers :)  It's also fun to think that this will complete our family......yes, 4 is all for sure :)  Thank you SO very much to all of our friends and family that came out to celebrate with us.  It will always be a very special memory to me!  So now the planning/dreaming name yet, we're working on that :)  We have till February!

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