Thursday, September 11, 2014

Caleb Starts PreK and Lucy's Dedication

Caleb started preK last week.  It's twice a week.  He was so excited the first day that he had his backpack on and ready about an hour before we needed to leave.  He is really excited about it and loves going but hates walking in the door every time I drop him off.  He screams his little head off and we have to pry him off of me.  That isn't fun but he gets over it really quick and loves being there.  He is growing up a lot and I just can't believe he'll be in Kinder this time next year :(  

So 2 days a week I'm down to these two cutie pies.  They are super fun and still take a lot of energy :)  I will say I've noticed when Caleb is gone that Tyson talks a WHOLE lot more :)  They look so much alike I think.

Weston wants to learn to play the piano so we had his first lesson the other night.  He actually did really good and I think he'll pick it up quick.

Papaw and his little girl :)
Weston has been begging us to come eat lunch with him at school and wanted us ALL to come so I finally braved it last week.  It was well exhausting but very fun.  I love when the older two are actually nice to each other and want to be together....this happened that day.  The younger two were a mess because Lucy was tired and I wouldn't dare let Tyson out of the stroller until we were on the playground.  So he screamed a lot in the cafeteria....but honestly it was so loud from all the kids that I don't think anyone really noticed.

Tyson was ALL over that playground.  He didn't care who was playing with him he just wanted to run and play.  And Caleb had a blast too.  When it was time to leave all 4 were crying....Weston didn't want us to leave, Caleb and Tyson didn't want to leave, and Lucy was just so tired.  So we made quite the scene leaving but then again where do we go that we don't make a scene?!?!
Lucy is not a fan of baby we will just keep trying.  Her brothers would open their mouths wide for anything and everything I'd put in there path.

And this is what my kids play with on a Saturday.....tape measure.  He would pull it out as far as it would go and then let it go and sprint to see if he could beat it.  Big fun!
Big boots :)

We dedicated Lucy last weekend at church.  It was a bit crazy because we ALL went up on stage but also really special.  We actually got the most decent family picture we've ever gotten!!!
my sweet Lucy in her dress!

Mel, Greg and the girls came over for it too.  Very fun day!

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