Thursday, October 31, 2019

Football Camp, Logan's Birthday and Boys Camping Trip!

Hello SUMMER!!!!
Tyson is all in to football so he was so excited about camp!  After 2 days of Tyson talking about it Caleb was wanting to go to it too.  So he got to go the last day and loved it too!  It was raining so they had to move it inside but that was ok!

Every year we do a scavenger hunt for Logan's birthday.....he had a bunch of clues he had to go through in order to find his presents!

He's the best!!!  38 and looks better than ever :)

This is a surf board for the lake from his parents......going to be a fun summer at the lake!!!
The plan was for the dads and sons of our Sunday school class to go on their annual kayaking/camping trip down the Brazos.  However because we got so much rain the river was super high and very dangerous.  So they decided to cancel the kayaking part and just camp at some family land of one of the dads.  So they got to fish, shoot skeet and play a lot!!  They had a great time!!

T caught the fish of his life and was SO proud.  Love him.

Weston had gotten a wakeboard for his birthday back in March and was so excited to finally try it out!  He got right up and did great!

Logan on his new surf board!

Lucy wanted to try skiing....she got right up and literally screamed the ENTIRE time.  It was sad & funny all at the same time.  She was too scared to let go.  So cute and she did so great!!!!

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