Monday, January 2, 2023

Still Water Camp!


Amazing few days with some of my most favorite people!!  Chantel served as camp director at Still Water's sports camp this summer and asked us to come help!  I was the assistant cook and all the kids got to come too!  All were campers except Weston.  He got to be one of our assistant chefs in the kitchen.  Fun few days!
Lucy saying bye to Daddy for a few days....

Wacky Wednesday....

Caleb got the heart award in baseball.
This was the last night.....the Golgotha run.  Each camper carries a piece of wood on their back and runs up the hill to the cross.  They lay their piece of wood down at the cross and pray together was a cabin.  It's pretty awesome to see!  On the way down, Tyson took a tumble and actually broke his wrist.  It was a rough night but he was so brave!!!

Lucy did basketball for her sport.  This was her first time as a camper at any camp.  She loved it!

Tyson did football and loved it!

Jenifer came as the photographer so my kids of course had a blast with her kids!!!  Lucy and Claire were in the same cabin.

Here's our assistant chefs....they did awesome serving and helping in the kitchen!

Best cooks!  I loved getting to be with Catherine all week!

Look at that sass?!?!?!
Sweet Allison was the speaker.  Wow...she did amazing.  She's so gifted at speaking about the Lord.  It was so neat to get to be with her and many of my Boerne buddies!

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