Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cookies, Sea World, Hair cut & Poop Story

I made cookies the other night for some friends and Weston just thought he had to have one. It's so funny to watch him try something that he isn't sure about. Well of course it didn't take him long to figure out how much he loved it and then cram it in his mouth and beg for more.

Brittany and Grant asked us to go to Sea World this past Saturday. She got some free tickets for their Christmas season. Logan was out of town hunting so Weston and I met them there. We had a great time....Weston loved it! It was so fun to see how amazed he was at the animals.

He has a stuffed Shamu from last summer when we went. He likes to play with it now and calls it "mamu".....pretty cute.

His hair had gotten SO long....so I decided to try cutting it myself. I made him a drape/smock....that didn't last long. He did pretty good while I was cutting it. I won't say it's perfect by any means but thank goodness it's curly so you can't tell too much. At least you can see his eyes now! He looks so much older when it's cut.

We went and picked up Braden from daycare yesterday and kept him for the afternoon. It was so cute to see those 2 in my backseat.....a picture of the days to come! Not much extra room in that seat for anything else!

Well I did actually take a picture of this "story" but I think I'll spare you from seeing that. This morning I was upstairs typing up an email while Weston was downstairs. Normally he'll come up and see what I'm doing but I was noticing that it had been quiet for awhile. This isn't a good sign. I finished up and went down to see what he had destroyed and found him sitting in the floor playing with the dvds. All I could see though was this huge piece of poop coming out of the back of his diaper. It was basically hanging out. I was yelling poop poop and trying to get some paper towels when I noticed little pieces of it were already on the floor. I was trying to get him not to step in them when before I could react he reached down and picked them up and put them in his mouth!!!! GROSS! I was telling him to spit them out and he did quickly.....so nasty. I must have used like 20 wipes getting all that cleaned up. It was all over him and on his feet and ankles. I know Logan is sorry he missed out on that :)


Anonymous said...

oh for someone that gets nauseous at anything right now that was quite the story and I about threw up! How is your pregnancy going? Email me sometime. I am wondering if you are still living near Bandera? We will be there on the 19th. We could do dinner in San Antonio?

Unknown said...

that is so gross! the things we do for our kids.