Thursday, January 23, 2020

December.....concert, parties, and My Marathon

Lucy and Penny :)
UIL awards for Weston

Lots and lots of cinnamon rolls....parties, teacher gifts, etc!
Lainey's birthday party!

Christmas musical at church......

add on to their Santa list....
And then they got a cardboard box and had the best fun with it!  Maybe cardboard boxes for everyone this Christmas!

Cookie decorating with friends!

My cute 6th graders!!!
My helper in the kitchen :)

Weston's first band concert!  He did great!

Christmas parties at school

Well lots and lots of training and finally the day had come.  It's kinda consumed my world for the last few months.  Long runs during the week when the kids were in school and lots of running really all the time.  I was SO hoping for a cold day.....that's when I feel like I run best.....and it was definitely NOT cold....but it is what it is and I made it.  I hadn't run a marathon in 15 years I think?!?!  I've done lots of halves but not a full since before we were married!
Weston at the expo with me :).  Younger 2 thought it would be more fun to stay with Grams and Pops but the older 2 came with us to cheer me on.  We stayed in Dallas the night before.  It was so great to have them on the side lines cheering me on......I needed it!!!

Lots of smiles before :)

I was exhausted......after about 10 miles I knew it wasn't going to be great.....too hot.  But good news...I survived and finished in just under 4 hours.  Not what I wanted but I did it!

And a very sweaty and tired girl afterwards....there were definitely times I wasn't sure I could finish and do it.  It was just so hot and humid and I didn't feel like I could push at all.
Sweet kids cheering me on!
And getting to accomplish it with my sister was the BEST.  She's amazing.  Had some major hip pain but stayed right in and finished too!

Her running buddy Kristin ran in it too and did great.....well great in that we all finished...ha!!  None of us did what we wanted but that's ok!!

My other cutie pies had fun while we were gone :)

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