Thursday, August 26, 2021

Logan Turns 40!!!! (finally)

Finally it was Logan's turn for the big 4-0.  We got a group of friends together, went downtown and ate yummy food and then headed to his favorite...a "clean" comedy club.  It was such a fun night...alughing till my cheeks hurt.  Goodl friends and lots of  laughing.....that's what he wanted!

We did the rest of the celebrating that weekend at the lake for Memorial Day.  It was a bit chilly but we made the best of it!!  Yummy cake!!

Schefflers came over one day and we played and played and played.  Had a blast with them!!!

Then for his actual birthday he got to do his traditional scavenger hunt to find his presents.  I actually bought steaks that we made, baked potatoes, sourdough and salad.  Then we had more cake.  We were STUFFED!!!

Love him to pieces.  Can't even imagine life without him and I don't want to.  So glad we're now both in our 40's together :).  



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