Saturday, January 19, 2019

Sports, School, Backyard, etc

This was when I picked up Lucy after being gone in Canada....i missed her SO much!!  She had a blast with my sister and her crew though.
Tyson had to turn a pumpkin into a book character....this one was one of our favorites when the boys were younger.  This basically became mom's project....but it was so fun!
Gymnastics....she's still loving it!
she helps me with the laundry.....and tries on brothers socks :)

Flag Football!!

best buddies 
Caleb is the center and loved playing that position

I had to have a picture of this to remember this conversation that morning.  The boys wanted to spend their money on silly stuff and Logan was trying to encourage them to start saving for a truck they'll want to drive one day.  They were guessing how much a new truck would cost and it was quite comical to show them what their money would buy them!!
my helper....

lunch with Tyson at school!
my watermelon from the garden!!

it was pretty yummy too!
Lunch with Caleb at school!

her tricks like Lucky on her favorite show
that just goes open like that when she's shooting or spraying something.  hilarious.
I get so many pictures like this on my camera roll.....

school pics!

my baseball player :)

flight deck on their day off of school

we've been working on sight words and she's starting to read some!  it's so fun to watch her learn.  she loves the Bob books.

We did a Costco run on a Wednesday afternoon because Weston had a dentist appointment over in Fort Worth.  We ended up doing dinner at Costco and they thought it was the BEST thing in the whole wide world.  

We bought him a bed and he loves it.  This is where you can find him if he can push his way inside.
They are pulling the trash can up the driveway on their scooter I think....crazy boys and bungee straps!

She'll lay in the floor and read to him.  He loves it as long as he has a bone to chew :)
End of the season tournament....they won their first game but lost the 2nd one.

We got to keep McCormick boys one much fun.  My crew adores them all!

The sky one night!!!  Isn't it amazing!!!
Picnic on the back porch!
And a major haircut....I don't think I'll do it again....girl hair is just different and needs some expertise that I don't think I have.
Kids wanted to have a camp out so we set up tent and cooked dinner in backyard.  It was a really fun night.  They slept all night in the tent and did great!

a girl with 3 older brothers....
Cassy's 40th!!  It was such a fun night!!!

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