Monday, October 4, 2010

Weston meets THOMAS!

A friend told me about Thomas the Train coming to the town of Burnet. I looked it up and we just couldn't pass it up. I bought Weston Thomas pajamas the other day at Wal-mart and he has a hard time taking them off to put on normal clothes to go somewhere! He loves Thomas right now so we decided to spend the money and take him to see him. It was really fun. Here's some pictures from yesterday....probably one fo the best days of Weston's life so far.

Weston got a tattoo of Percy (one of the trains). He kept showing it to us all night and even today. I think he thought he was pretty cool! Hope this is the only tattoo he ever asks for :)

They had several things they could do besides ride the train. We didn't get around to all of them but he did enjoy playing with the train track.

I think Caleb enjoyed it too :) He sat in his stroller and just looked around. He did like the train ride and NOT having to be in his carseat!! Wish we could travel by trains more often!

Yes, we are "those" parents that spend another $30 bucks to get the hat and t-shirt. It's just so stinkin cute that he loves it so much. I know we're suckers for it but oh well. It sure did make him cute on that train with his train hat and shirt. He already had to wear it again today. Think we might be wearing it everyday for awhile. Oh well.....whatever makes him happy!

All Aboard! Here we all are....happy family aboard Thomas! He actually went backwards for 10 minutes and then went forward for 10 minutes. Weston thought it was the coolest. It didn't matter if we were even moving to him.

If these don't make you smile not sure what will......he was having a blast!

Thomas up close

Pictures with Thomas!!! He tried to go up and touch him and we got in trouble :( Guess that
wasn't allowed.
To end a really fun night he peed in his pants :( To his credit, he did say he needed to potty but I thought he could wait. We decided to stop anyways (thanks to dad) but it was too late. Oh didn't ruin the least it was on the way home!

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