Monday, January 11, 2021

Kayden's birthday at the lake, more lake, and SUMMER!

We got to celebrate Kayden's birthday at the lake!  The girls each brought a friend and it was so much fun to hang out with them!
Lots of fishing and boat time.  Lucy made friends with Riley really quick :)
AND she wanted my apple pie for her birthday :)

Aunt Mel surfing!  She is kinda the best entertainment.....everyone enjoys when she has a turn behind the boat :)...ha!

Afterwards we played mafia....

I think we spent about every weekend at the lake.  We love it out there!!

Big one Caleb :)

Weston got a cast net and has had a ton of fun with it!
Logan just loves fishing.....ha!  Not really.  We have an ongoing joke about how we never catch ANYTHING!

Catching lightning bugs!

Dinner at the marina.....we can drive the boat up and just walk up!  It's pretty fun!

and entertaining....who knew this could even work!

This kid is slaloming and doing great! (Caleb)

This one has been begging to drive the boat.  He even took a safety course online.  He is really good at it!

Bunk beds were a perfect fit!  It makes staying out there SO much better!  Yay for covid project!

Saying bye to Mrs. Ribble was a bit hard.....Lucy was pretty quiet but so thankful for a hug and a squeeze.  She adores this lady and we are so thankful to have had her for kindergarten!
and what's a day without playing with Penny the hen...

math problems with dad's extra house plans!

She's helping me blow dry my hair....that mouth!
This kid (Tyson) and trailers....he hooked up the boat trailer to the 4wheeler and was driving it all around the yard.

Caleb & Brady!
We surprised the boys and got them their own golf clubs to share.....they were SO excited! 

Grams taught Weston to's a machine to figure out...he loves it.

These two pics are not far apart!!  I swear you could sit and watch the corn grow!!

We got an apple!!! 

Major harvest of squash....

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