Friday, January 15, 2021

More Cross Country, Playground, and Mountain Biking

Every meet Weston kept improving.  He is doing great!

So this has been a major project that I haven't posted about.  The school asked me to head up a playground makeover.  So a group of moms did a lot of painting on the concrete to make it brighter.  Then the dads had a workday and added a walking path, swing set, 9 square, volleyball court and soccer field.  It looks SO much better!!  Logan has been up there a lot finishing up the swings with hardware and making them work right.  Lucy is SO excited to start swinging!!

Heidi and I spent hours working on these for our girls for homecoming.  They looked adorable...however Lucy thinks she can't run in them and that is hard for her.  She prefers athletic clothing all the time!

Weston ran for student council and made it.  His poster slogan (thanks to aunt mel) was awesome!

He got me a mountain bike for my birthday and I love it!  We finally got to go ride bikes on the lake trail together.  It is NOT easy but I made it!  
Day off school so we headed to the bowling alley :)

I'm back to baking!  My starter is so much stronger now so my loaves are turning out way better and fluffier!
We decided it was time to say goodbye to the boat and start looking for a different one.  It was pretty easy to sell.

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