Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Vet, California - first 3 weeks, 4th of July, and Summer Fun for the Kids

Time for checkups!  Lucy was so excited to get to take both of them....we are a lot at the vet!  They are both healthy and got good reports!  Charlie has lost 10lbs!!  But sadly they still want him to lose more :(.  Oreo is great :)

I had some tests run at an integrative clinic in Rockwall.  Logan went with me to get the results and we both decided to get an IV.  He wasn't feeling the greatest so he opted to get one too.  It was kinda funny and he was such a baby about getting stuck with a needle.  Ha!  
Lake day!  Felt so good just to be on the boat and be in the sunshine!  Fun day with my crew. Meanwhile we were missing Weston.  He was in Colorado on a mission trip with the youth group.  He loved it and had the BEST week!

So after MUCH praying and talking and researching I decided to head to California to the Cancer Center for Healing.  Melody had heard about the place through a friend and we started looking into it.  I really felt peace about this and even though it meant leaving home for awhile I felt like it was where the Lord was leading me.  So Logan and I flew out at the end of June for several days.  We met with doctors, got tests run, and started getting infusions and many other treatments.  It was all VERY overwhelming and very hard to be away.  Barry and Judy came into town to help with the kids.

We tried to make the best of all that was going on.....California is beautiful and the weather was amazing.  We got some time at the beach and ate at some healthy fun restaurants.

Caleb decided to try a new thing.....Ju Jitzu.  He loves it!  The Duncans have been kind to take him along and introduce him to it!

Pedicure with Mimi and Grams :)

We came home that next weekend.  This is when it got even harder.  Packing up and saying goodbye.  I didn't really know what the days ahead held so I wasn't sure how long till I would see them next.  This was VERY hard on this mama!  I love being with my kids and it's summer...the time I get with them the most!  I wasn't feeling the greatest but tried to make the most of the weekend.  We did the lake and I tried to just soak it all in. 

A group of our friends gathered in our front yard before I left town and prayed over me.  It was so hard yet so good.  Lots of tears.  The picture that someone got was pretty incredible.  The sun beams were shinning down on me while I was sitting in a chair with all of them circled around me.  It was yet another reminder that HE was there with me....every step of the way.

We did a few fireworks all together before I left town :)

Melody went back with me for week 2 which helped SO much.  She was/is/has been a HUGE support during all of this.  That week I kept doing all the therapies and on Friday got my port inserted.  I was so against this in the beginning but after getting SO many ivs I was so ready to have it done.  
the big orange balloon :)
We got some beach time too!  This was Aliso Beach park.  The tide was coming in quite was kinda funny how the lifeguard was acting.  We had fun...the weather is just incredible.

Our mini!!  Sweet friends worked it all out for me to have a vehicle while I was staying there.  So the black "mini" was my new ride.  It worked out great and I spent MANY hours in it!
We shopped a little at the outdoor mall.
This was my home away from home.  I found an Air bnb that worked out great.  It was a 2 bedroom condo that was in a great neighborhood.  

My first week there the kids were having a back riding, splash kingdom, golfing, swimming, bowling, and holding baby kangaroos!!

My parents took all the kids in the RV to Great Escapes.  They had a blast doing all the things at that place.  It's an awesome park!

Week 3 was much different.  Judy flew up to be with me.  I started low dose chemo that week.  Basically they give you insulin to drop your blood sugar and then give you chemo drugs but only at a 10% dose.  Then they raise your sugars back up.  There is a lot of science behind it and it helps the chemo be more effective.  This was my first round.

Best part is that you get to drink a chocolate shake afterwards to bring your sugars back up quickly!  It tasted SO SO good!

Also that week I started hyperthermia.  This was something the cancer center recommended to make chemo more effective.  It uses ultrasound heat to penetrate to the cancer tumors to help shrink.  The only bad part was that it was in Santa Monica.  This was at least an hour but sometimes almost 3 hours because of traffic.  The first time Judy and I stayed the night in a very sketchy was an experience :).  They did have nice art work on the wall!  Ha!

hyperthermia on my liver....

Thankful to have her there with me that week!

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